Coles Lifestyle Services
You're In Good Hands
In 2024, I stepped up as Creative Director for Coles Credit Cards and Coles Insurance, leading a complete rebrand and the launch of a bold new strategy and platform.
At the core of the campaign are Sunny and Brian, the ultimate odd-couple duo at Coles HQ. Sunny’s OTT enthusiasm for value and Brian’s nerdy obsession with quality show how Coles delivers trusted credit card and insurance products with personality. From savings horns to pantomime horses, these characters bring fun and reliability across hundreds of touchpoints—spanning in-store, paid, owned, and earned media. There's even a Brian chatbot and T&Zzzz Podcast.
This platform not only refreshed the brand but also connected Coles’ financial services to its iconic masterbrand, strengthening trust and loyalty with customers.
Leading this transformation was great—and approving the savings horns was just the cherry on top.